You know you're edging out of spring and into summer when huge bunches of asparagus start showing up at the market like alien flower bouquets. Take a look at the nutritional benefits and get some cooking inspiration below.
Nutrition Details
Macros in Context
Here's how 1 cup of asparagus stacks up in the context of a typical Paleo meal:
Blue bars show the typical range in grams for a Paleo meal. For example, a Paleo meal usually includes 30-60 grams of fat, but where you personally fall in that range will depend on your preference.
Orange dots show how asparagus fits into the typical nutrient profile of a Paleo meal.
Buy It
Look for fresh-looking stalks and avoid stalks with dry or rough ends.
- SEASON: Asparagus is best in the spring and early summer.
- COLORS: Asparagus can be green, purple, or white. Green and purple asparagus are similar in flavor. White is slightly milder.
Cook It
Throw into boiling water and cook just until spears change color. Sprinkle with salt and balsamic vinegar and eat hot
Roast at 400 degrees 15-20 minutes or until nicely browned
Cook whole stalks on the grill or chopped stalks in a grill basket
Pan-fry with your choice of healthy fat
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